Herald Way offer a comprehensive range of dental treatments
We cover the whole range of treatments for a whole range of requirements. Our consultation will ensure that we find the appropriate treatment on a case by case basis.

Bridges are a solution for missing teeth which create a ‘bridge’ between the gaps which can occur with tooth loss. During your consultation we can help you determine if bridges are a suitable option for you.
Many facial wrinkles occur when we use our muscles to form facial expressions. The wrinkles formed during facial expression are called dynamic wrinkles. When we are young our skin springs back to its initial position at rest but as we get older these wrinkles remain on the skin. The wrinkles and folds present at rest are called static wrinkles.
If you are unhappy with the appearance of your smile, you are not alone. Many adults do not pursue the straight teeth they’ve always wanted because they don’t have two years or more to spend in braces, and metal bars and brackets can be difficult to fit into professional and personal schedules. Heralds Way offers a range of discrete orthodontic treatments which can prevent and correct a number of malalignment issues, helping you maintain a healthy dentition in the long term.
A smile makeover is no longer just for models and film stars.
With revolutionary new techniques and virtually painless treatments, a Smile Makeover and cosmetic dentistry is now readily accessible for almost anyone that is unhappy with the appearance of their smile or teeth.
Crowns are an ideal way to rebuild teeth which have been broken, or have been weakened by decay or a very large filling. The crown fits right over the remaining part of the tooth, making it strong and giving it the shape and contour of a natural tooth. Crowns are sometimes also known as ‘caps’.
Taking care of your family’s dental and oral health is something that this practice is passionate about. When providing care for children, our team understand the importance of caring for your child’s teeth and gums across their lifespan.
Are you suffering from severe pain and need emergency dental care as fast as possible? Please visit our clinic or call on 01245 322 277 right away. Whether you’re a new patient or an existing one, we will do our very best to help you as quickly as possible.
Dental hygienists are trained to provide care for patients alongside your dentist. Hygienists have undertaken advanced training in the prevention of oral disease and will give specific targeted advice regarding any of your dental concerns or problems such as bad breath.
If you have lost either all or some of your teeth you may replace them with either full or partial dentures, We can provide you with superior quality dentures that look as natural and life like as possible.
A filling is used to repair a tooth that is affected by decay, cracks, fractures, etc. usually caused by tooth decay. It is a simple treatment which can be completed during a short appointment, and they can be performed with or without local anaesthetic.
Dental implants are a permanent tooth replacement method that closely resembles natural teeth. Not only is the top portion replaced but also the root that securely holds the tooth in place.
Inlays or Onlays are indirect fillings made in the labaratory that fit into or onto a tooth. Its purpose is to make the tooth stronger by reinforcing it, together while retaining a natural, aesthetically pleasing colour.
During your examination at Heralds Way Dental, we will carry out a Mouth Cancer Screening. According to statistics from the British Dental Association, early detection of oral cancer can result in a 90% survival rate.
We believe that as Dental Professionals, we play a vital role in the detection of oral cancer, and we are committed to providing clinical excellence through regular screening.
You and your dentist may decide that you need a tooth extraction for any number of reasons.
Some teeth are extracted because they are severely decayed; others may have advanced periodontal disease, or have broken in a way that cannot be repaired.
Other teeth may need removal because they are poorly positioned in the mouth (such as impacted teeth), or in preparation for orthodontic treatment.
Even the best brushing and flossing routines cannot eliminate all traces of plaque. Left on your teeth, plaque becomes hard tartar, which cannot be brushed off. This then traps more plaque and the cycle repeats, causing gum disease and frequently bad breath.
Combined with a good oral hygiene routine of brushing and flossing twice a day, regular trips to the hygienist in between dental appointments are the best way of ensuring that your teeth stay healthy and strong.
Mention ‘root canal treatment’ and many people shudder just hearing it! Well sit back and relax… it’s actually the solution, not the issue and will often solve the problems associated with agonising toothache or facial swelling.
If your tooth has been knocked, heavily filled, cracked or decayed this may lead to pain, infection or darkening of your tooth. If any of these symptoms occur then there is a possibility that your tooth requires root canal treatment. Also known as endodontic treatment or root canal therapy.
Bruxism or tooth grinding and clenching is a common problem that afflicts many of us at different stages throughout our lives. Bruxism is often stress related. Under certain circumstances alteration to the way we bite (i.e. after a filling is placed) or after a traumatic injury to the temporomandibular joint (jaw joint or TMJ) can cause bruxism and lead to the classic signs and symptoms of this condition. In some cases the pain associated with bruxism can be confused with wisdom tooth pain. Although tooth grinding /clenching can occur during waking hours, this usually occurs whilst sleeping.